In the first form of the omote level the kamayari applies kamuriuke, makiotoshi and hikiotoshi against thrusts to his uramen, momo and maemen.
In the second form of the omote set the kamayari blocks a thrust towards his left ear to his left, then circles the suyari counter-clockwise before beating it to the ground.
In the third form of the omote set the kamayari pursues without stopping in kamuriuke after parrying a thrust to his uramen.
In the fourth form of the omote set the kamayari blocks a thrust to his uramen to his left side then forces the suyari into gedan before parrying another thrust to his uramen in kamuriuke.
In the fifth form of the omote set the kamayari successively blocks thrusts towards his maemen, momo and uramen.
In the sixth form of the omote set the kamayari parries a thrust to his uramen in kamuriuke. The following makikaeshi is done very slowly and with a lot of tension.
In the seventh form of the omote set the suyari moves his spear in circles that get larger as he advances to irritate the kamayari before thrusting to his uramen.
In the eighth form of the omote set the suyari thrusts to the kamayari's uramen two times. The kamayari parries both thrusts in kamuriuke.
In the ninth form of the omote set the kamayari parries two times with hikiotoshi one time from jōdan and the other time from yarigamae.
In the tenth form of the omote set the kamayari first pushes the suyari upwards with his left sickle before beating it down with his right sickle.
In the eleventh form of the omote set the kamayari evades the suyari which is trying to blow the kamayari to the side before thrusting to the suyari's uradō.
In the twelfth form of the omote set the kamayari first knocks the suyari upwards a little before knocking it down immediately.
In the thirteenth form of the omote set the kamayari cuts down a thrust to his maemen with kiriotoshi before thrusting to the suyari's maedō.
In the fourteenth form of the omote set the suyari tries to press the kamayari to the ground. The kamayari evades but offers his uradō as a new target. When the suyari tries to place a thrust there the kamayari beats it down and thrusts to the suyari's uradō in return.