1. Tōyō

Hozoinryu Takadaha Sojutsu Training Kata Omote Toyo

In the first form of the omote level the kamayari applies kamuriuke, makiotoshi and hikiotoshi against thrusts to his uramen, momo and maemen.

Suyari and kamayari begin in gedan.

On the third step forward the suyari thrusts towards the uramen of the kamayari. The kamayari parries in kamuriuke then knocks the suyari to the ground with makiotoshi. Without any delay the suyari now thrusts towards the rear thigh of the kamayari who blocks this thrust in gedan.

Now the suyari retreats two steps bringing his spear into yarigamae on the first one. The kamayari pursues two steps staying in binding while bringing the right sickle of his spear over the suyari on the first step.

On the end of the second step the suyari thrusts to the maemen of the kamayari underneath the sickle. The kamayari beats the suyari to the ground with hikiotoshi.

Now the suyari again retreats two steps bringing his spear into yarigamae on the first one. The kamayari pursues two steps staying in binding while bringing the right sickle of his spear over the suyari on the first step.

Then first the suyari then the kamayari move the right hand a litte forward on the shaft then draw back the spear into yarigamae while stepping backward with okuriashi. Then they return to their starting positions.

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