8. Aikurai

Hozoinryu Takadaha Sojutsu Training Kata Omote Aikurai

In the eighth form of the omote set the suyari thrusts to the kamayari's uramen two times. The kamayari parries both thrusts in kamuriuke.

Both spears start from gedan.

On the third step the suyari thrusts towards the uramen of the kamayari who parries this thrust in kamuriuke.

The suyari now retreats two steps while the kamayari pursues two steps applying makikaeshi to bring both spears into yarigamae and his right sickle on top of the suyari.

But before the sickle dominates his spear completely the suyari detects his last chance and thrusts to the uramen of the kamayari once more. The kamayari parries in kamuriuke again.

Now the suyari retreats two more steps while the kamayari pursues another two steps also this time bringing both spears into yarigamae by applying makikaeshi. This time the right sickle comes to rest on the shaft of the suyari.

Finally both spears disengage and return to their starting positions.

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