11. Tsukinuke

Hozoinryu Takadaha Sojutsu Training Kata Ura Tsukinuke

In the eleventh form of the ura set the suyari attempts to blow the kamayari which is thrusting to his maemen away but is cut down by his opponent's spear who then thrusts to the suyaris's maedō.

Both spears start in gedan.

On the third step the kamayari thrusts to the suyari's maemen. Frightend by this attack the suyari moves his upper body backward and then tries to beat the kamayari away (partly to regain his balance) describing a large clockwise arc with the tip of his spear.

Differently to the omote version the kamayari doesn't evade this blow but catches the suyari with the shaft of his spear, brings it to the ground with hikiotoshi and then thrusts to the suyari's maedō with okuriashi forward.

Then the kamayari withdraws his spear with okuriashi backwards.

Now both realine on the center line bringing their spears in binding with the omote-sickle lying on top of the suyari. During this action the suyari rereats a little with tsugiashi.

Finally both disengage and return to their starting positions.

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